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VERONICA NATURAL AIR is a pellet stove that works without electricity. It is lit manually with an ecological fire starter. Due to the effect of gravity, the pellets present in the tank continuously renew the pellets present in the brazier, pushing the ash into the lower compartment. These functions do not require any electrical or electronic support.

Having no motors or fans, it is absolutely silent, designed in compliance with all safety regulations and very easy to use. One of the advantages is the total absence of replacement costs for electrical and electronic components. The shape of the combustion chamber, the patented stainless steel brazier and the post-combustion system ensure an efficiency of 88.5% and an extremely low level of CO emissions 0.004 dust 4 mg./Nm3.

Airtight, natural draft 5-star Air pellet stove, does not require any electrical or electronic support. Ideal in all situations where there is no connection to the electricity grid such as, for example, mountain refuges.

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Voir tous les poêles à granulés sans électricité

Poêle à pellets sans électricité VERONICA NATURAL Air 8 kw. Laminox

2 910,00 €Prix
  • Ventilation à air chaud par convection naturelle

    Autonomie min-max : 6,3 - 20 h

    Puissance rayonnée 7,0 kW

    Puissance globale 7,9 kW

    Efficacité 88,5%

    Désenfumage Ø 120 mm

    Dimensions 572x536x1080

    Poids 89 kg

    Conduit non

    Certification environnementale 5 étoiles.

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