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Faro is not a simple pyrolytic pellet heater but is the final result of a difficult challenge that has become reality. The perfect combustion/gasification, obtained after long and accurate laboratory studies, was crowned with an industrial patent on the operating technology (POB System) and with the great satisfaction of offering the market a new, ecological, economical, innovative and unique product of its kind

TECHNOLOGY - Pyrolysis

The chemical process underlying the functioning of our products is Pyrolysis, a thermochemical decomposition of large molecules through their heating and in the absence of oxygen. Pyrolysis is widely used in the industrial sector for waste disposal, the application process is complex and not always convenient as it requires large external energy to function and must be carried out inside watertight containers. Applied to biomass, pyrolysis allows the material to be split into two main components: syngas (or synthesis gas which is an excellent fuel) and a solid carbon residue commonly known as char.

POB TECHNOLOGY - Specifications

The micro-gasification process does not require external energy sources. In some cases a small, low-power fan is simply implemented to assist with system ventilation. The patented POB technology consists of a study on the aerodynamic shape and geometric construction of the combustion chamber combined with an electronic system for the control, management and modulation of the flame. Thanks to POB technology it is possible to burn the gases produced by the micro-gasification process in optimal combustion conditions, thus maximizing efficiency and reducing the emission of unburned substances to a minimum. The devices using POB technology, unlike currently known systems, guarantee a constant micro-gasification process for the stability of the flame and heat, the complete elimination of smoke from ignition to shutdown and extreme ease of use and in the management of operation by the consumer.

The video is purely demonstrative because in Italy there is no legislation that provides for the use of pyrolytic stoves inside a home.


FARO pyrolytic pellet stove without flue. Paterno

1 951,00 €Price

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